The image above is of a 5G mast being constructed near a busy roundabout in Weymouth, in February 2021.
Your local Conservative councillor for Stepping Hill, John Wright, opposes the planning application for Arundel Avenue. This planning application would see a 5G mast, just short of 60-feet tall, installed on the residential avenue. Residents have rightly raised concerns about the potential impact this will have not just on the residents of Arundel Avenue, but the wider community. 46 objections have so far been registered on Stockport Council's planning application page (found here), with a larger number of residents voicing their opposition through the medium of social media.
Councillor Wright said, "This is a very unpopular planning application among residents. Residents can complain to the Council's planning department and I encourage them to do so. Members of the public can also register their objections with the Council via our own petition, which we will lodge with the Council in due course."
Arundel Avenue is just one of many beautiful streets in the Stepping Hill ward, and your Conservative Association, and Councillor Wright, will work hard to achieve the best outcome for residents. Join our campaign by signing the petition below!